Gender Inequality In Africa

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‘ Around the world about 62 Million girls are restricted from education. In 2015, only half of the world’s working age women are in labour force, compare that to men when 77% of them are working and earns more.4 out of 5 human trafficking are girls or women(Source).The United Nations Entity for Gender inequality and the Empowerment of Women(UN Women) is an international Non governmental-Organization(NGO) that helps to prevent gender inequality for women and gives them women’s rights to live freely .The United Nations of Assembly (part of the United Nations) founded the UN Women back in July,2010.The UN Women is still under the part of United Nations assembly and the current leader which is the highest position of Executive Director is…show more content…
For Life Expectancy looking that the male lives shorter than women by 3 years nonetheless,it goes to show that both the women and the men in the Country of Congo lives shockingly short comparing to countries that lives longer by 20 years. The Literacy Rate of People In Republic Of Congo that Women have a staggering of 28% less Literacy rate than men while Men is 78% that can be concluded women don’t have the rights to learn properly (Source). Moreover, the Living Standard of Republic of Congo would be a bit expensive because the average Congo's as 63% of the population is below poverty line and that people in Congo don’t have basic rights (Source)…show more content…
As the men are usually stronger than the women and if the men do get angry because of their wives they shouldn’t take the advantage to abuse them but take into consideration to do something more useful like reflecting on the
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