Gender Identity Psy 265

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Gender Identity PSY/265 April 7, 2013 Tana Leigh Warren Gender identity stems from a variety of factors. Biological, physiological, and social interactions, consume a large role in who we are and how we fit into the world around us. These same factors also determine who we are attracted to sexually and how we define ourselves as men and women, masculine or feminine. Later in life, sociological factors may influence how we choose to express our gender identitiy. For most individuals gender identity is defined as their self-conception as being either a male or female, distinguished by their actual biological sex. There are, however, other factors may affect how a person views their gender identity. Gender identity begins at birth through anatomy. Males will be born with a penis, girls with a vagina. For the most part, a child as young as 18 months is aware of its own anatomic sex. There are those that have external genitals do not match their psychological sexual orientation. Prenatal sex hormones also…show more content…
However, stereotypes have a major part in an individual’s sense of “gender identity”. When someone wants to describe a male usually, use words such as forceful, powerful, and brave. When describing a woman it is quite the opposite, we are inclined to use descriptive words like kind, affectionate and insightful. Although the application of conveying stereotypical definitions to the sexes is the social custom, this also unlocks the way for unenthusiastic effects when investigating these crucial qualities from an additional sensible approach (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). Stereotypes may also confuse or hinder the openness to which we express ourselves, and our sexuality. Culturally, roles for men and women differ. For example, in Latino culture women serve and men control. For this type of role, homosexuals face more challenges when identifying with their gender
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