Gender Differentiated Parenting

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Gender-Differentiated Parenting The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiated parenting is important for human development and that the contribution of fathers to childrearing is unique and irreplaceable. A broad review of psychological research in the journal Child Development, for example, concluded that children of parents who are sextyped are more "competent."18 And a major study of the outcome of childrearing styles on adolescent development found that the most effective parenting was that which was both highly demanding and highly responsive. 19 The significance of gender-differentiated parenting undoubtedly is related to something fundamental in the human condition. Psychosocial maturity and competence among humans consists of the integration of two factors: communion, or the need to be included, connected, and related; and agency, or the drive for independence, individuality, and self-fulfillment.20 These terms (and many others could be substituted, such as expressive and instrumental, bonds and choice, or roots and wings) refer 'to the balance of psychic and social forces of which human life consists. One without the other is a denuded and impaired humanity, an incomplete realization of the human potential. For many couples, to be sure, these factors are not rigidly divided along standard female-male lines. Significant overlap can east among females and males in the range of gender-differentiated traits they express (and the degree of overlap is no doubt affected by culture and by environmental circumstance.) For some couples, there may even be a "role reversal," with men largely assuming the female style and women the male style. But these are exceptions that prove the rule. Throughout the world, gender-differentiated parenting occurs naturally in most father-mother families. And certainly, let us not forget,

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