Gcse Feasibility Study

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Oisín Martin Mc Erlean Omce121@gmail.com | PERSONAL STATEMENT At the age of 16 I have just finished my time in high school, now after completing my gcse’s I’m now looking an opportunity in employment. I myself am an outgoing, responsible, positive, organized and dedicated person with the ambition of joining a work team in which I can achieve and prove my potential that I can bring to a business. | | | |Technical Skills |Flexible | |Computer literate |Reliable |…show more content…
EMPLOYMENT | | | |Job Title |Key Achievements: | |Company Name | | |www.examplelink.co.uk |Provide a list of the key achievements you have made in your | |Location |job | |Dates of Employment |Try to show evidence such as percentage increases or financial | | |figures | |You should give your reader a brief introduction to what the |Provide enough information to entice employers to call you | |company does and explain a bit about the responsibilities your |Always keep examples relevant to the role you are applying for

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