Gays In The Military

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Running Head: GAYS IN THE MILITARY Gays in the Military University of Phoenix 27 June 2010 Abstract This paper explores the pros and cons of having gay members serving in The United States military. Imagine that you’ve worked on a job or served in the military for ten years. You’re sure that you have a stable working relationship with your co-worker. Everything appears to be “normal” until on day he decides to come out of the closet and reveal to you that he is actually gay. Do you think that this disclosure would affect your working relationship? There are many more advantages to having gay member in the military than not. The house and senate are weighing in on the issue and “Don’t ask don’t tell” as we know it may undergo a revision and possible deletion. Gays in the Military Pros and Cons A hot topic in the news lately is the subject of gays in the military. At the eleventh hour of this dilemma we’re left with the following to choices: Keep “Don’t ask don’t tell as it is. Or, find a more modern day, politically correct solution. Today’s military finds its members more accepting of change. History has shown that gays, both male and female, have served side by side with their heterosexual counterparts for many years. There is no significant data which supports any adverse trends related to gays in military service. Conversely, there are no notable advantages to excluding from serving. Gay military service is not unique to America’s military and can also be seen in nearly every other country having a military. Countries outside the United States of have not reported the presence of gays having any effects on military operations. The thing that is being proven, however, is that gays serve just as well as any other military member. Modern society has unjustly given in to homophobia and placing judgment on individuals based upon
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