Garbage Patch Essay

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The Great Pacific Garbage Patch When will this trash catastrophe end? Many people may ask this question. When will that garbage patch clear up? How will it clear up? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is currently one of the reason marine and sea animals die. The main causes of this issue would be: littering and unshipped cargo. When people litter on the beach or near the ocean, it is impossible to run into the water and retrieve the trash. The trash that mostly kills the marines are plastic, the animals mistaken it for their meal. “Plastic products can be very harmful to marine life in the gyre. For instance, loggerhead sea turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish” (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). This littering needs to stop! We are killing the marines out in the middle of the ocean, and have no absolute control over their natural diet. No animal can swim thru the Great Pacific Garbage Patch; it has too much trash, the trash tends to sink to the bottom of the ocean and the animals can get caught into a plastic rings. In 2009 some researchers went out on an expedition, “and while the expedition covered 1,700 miles, members of the Kaisei team say the patch could be much, much larger” (Great Pacific Garbage Patch is Worse Than We Thought). The other main reason for this trash disaster is unshipped cargo. This occurs when the ships’ cargo gets lost in the sea because of a storm, and then the boxes go to strange, unfamiliar places. “In 1994, a ship lost 34,000 pieces of hockey gear, including gloves, chest protectors, and shin guards” (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). Pieces of cardboard, plastic, and shoe laces get eaten everyday by marines. This Garbage Patch is getting out of control; hardly anyone is trying to fix this problem. The government needs to supply equipment to marine care, and to help maintain this outrageous issue. The main causes of this issue

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