Gandhi Leadership Essay

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Examining Effective Leadership: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Throughout the years leadership has taken on several different forms, among these diverse forms, the misconception of a “good leader” exists. One who represents a large multi-million dollar corporation, and wears a business suit to every meeting, has become the basic formula of a credited leader today. According to, a leader is “a person who rules, guides, or inspires others.” Leaders are known to emerge during times of crisis and when the hope of the general public is shaken because of an extreme event or situation. During the Indian independence movement Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Gandhi, was known as the prominent political and philosophical leader of India during this time. His leadership style consisted of reinvented methods in dealing with discrimination as well as other forms of injustice, breaking tradition by not using physical force and unifying the nation for every individual living within in it. Gandhi exemplifies a remarkable leader who’s philosophical words, phrases and methods are still quoted and used today. This man alone changed the entire morale and situation of a nation. If anyone should be credited and commended for being a leader, it is certainly Gandhi. Occurrences such as Occupy Wall Street can be seen as the influence of leaders like Gandhi. In a time of violence and inequality, Gandhi was responsible for fighting fire without any form of fire but rather, calm rationality. Like several notable leaders, this man was responsible for inspiring movements of civil rights and freedom across the globe. Gandhi began his civil rights movement by experiencing the power of injustice while being thrown off of a South African train and sitting in a first class section, while having a first class ticket. As a business man and lawyer, this type of injustice was
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