Gamma’s Proposed Strategy

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Arguments for the case of Gamma’s proposed strategy Gemma is proposing an expansionary strategy for superstyles plc Case for Gamma’s proposed strategy currently, the gearing ratio for superstyles plc is at 28% this is a low figure and means that superstyles is mainly financed from shareholder capital and retained profit and is not reliant on noncurrent liabilities such as a bank loan, because superstyles is lower geared it is at low risk and so there is very little issues regarding the financial safety of the business if it were to expand and globalize. Superstyles plc’s profit margin is now at 20.2%, a good profit margin for a company lies between 20%-40% and so superstyles plc’s profit margin is favourable and indicates that the company is doing well financially, along with its ROCE figure which currently stands at 30% in 2011, a high figure which is improving. This ROCE shows superstyles plc’s ability to earn a return on all of the capital it employs, this high and improving figure will show potential shareholders the high return on capital they can make when investing in the business, this high figure will attract share holders and so raise sufficient fund s for its expansion. Both the low gearing and the high profitability hold the potential to attract and sustain investors in Gemma’s Expansion proposal. Financially these figures should also prove impressive to potential shareholders in superstyles plc aiding the funding for the required £200m for the proposed strategy. Being in such a cut throat market such as the fashion industry superstyles must keep up to date on new product designs and find ways to penetrate new markets, the proposal contains an element that superstyles plc will double the number of product lines by adding women’s wear, it is essential to keep up to date and fresh thinking within the fashion market and so penetrating new markets such

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