G. I. Jane Breaks The Combat Barrier Analysis

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War and Gender In her article, “G.I. Jane Breaks the combat barrier,” Lizette Alvarez (2009) reports that military women are by no means inferior to men, but they been manacled by military policy. First, Alvarez shows that U.S. military women rarely join the combat in American before, but military women are showing their valor at combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, Alvarez states that women’s success must be quiet because this will contradict the policies set in place. Third, Alvarez posits that military women are indispensable in the Iraq and Afghanistan because women can do as much as men do, or even more than men do for cultural reasons. Even though, women soldiers play important roles in the war, no one wants to elevate the status…show more content…
First, female soldiers show leadership capability in the military. A research from Pew Research Center shows that women are good leaders due to honest, intelligent, hardworking, decisive, and creative, etc. (Men or Women, 2008). Second, women can be snipers who are an indispensable element in combat. Wikipedia reports that Lyudmila Mykhailivna Pavlichenko, the most successful Soviet sniper, she has been credited with 309 kills. (Army& NAVY, 1942) Third, female pilots can safely fly better compared to men. A study from Civil Aviation Authority’s shows that male pilots tend to have more than four times accident than female pilots. (Women general-aviation pilots, 1995) Fourth, there are high amounts of female nurses serving in combat. Statistics show that there are 94% female nurses that serve in the combat zone. (Facts about women) All in all, women can serve in combat just as good as men, or even…show more content…
(1942, Sept 28). Retrieved 11 21, 2011, from Time Magazine: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,773683,00.html Women general-aviation pilots. (1995, Jul 12). Retrieved 11 21, 2011, from Flightglobal: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/women-general-aviation-pilots-are-safer-than-men-25392/ Blair. (n.d.). Post Opinions. Retrieved 11 12, 2011, from Five myths about women in combat: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-women-in-combat/2011/05/25/AGAsavCH_story.html Facts about women. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 21, 2011, from Feminism and Women's Studies: http://feminism.eserver.org/workplace/professions/women-in-the-military.txt Grinberg, E. (2011, May 03). CNN Living. Retrieved 11 12, 2011, from Don't check your emotions at the workplace door:

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