Functions and Role of Law

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The Functions and Role of Law Laws play a significant part in business and society. This week’s readings provide additional insight into the functions of law and covered the role of counsel, sources and types of law, and the different categories of law. This week also focused on the case Cipllone v. Liggett Group, Inc., et al. Law Defined Law is defined as a body of rules governing actions and conduct as prescribed by a controlling authority possessing legal binding force to enact those rules (Melvin, 2011). Laws are made and enforced to engrain and instill an acceptable quality of norms in a society. While some laws may seem unacceptable to some people, laws are in place for a greater good. Law can be very complicated to understand, but some research into obscure laws can be quite humoring. Sources of Law Laws and rules have been established since the beginning of civilization. Leaders of the earliest tribes established rules based on acceptable norms. As society evolved from those days of old, modern society developed laws. Laws are based against regulating sources and enforced solely or in combination, or a combination thereof. In the United States, regulations and laws are set forth upon businesses and individuals and are categorized into the following at the local, state, and federal levels: • Constitutional Law, • Common Law, • Administrative Law, and • Statutory Law (Melvin, 2011). Role of Counsel While individuals refer to their attorney, the term “counsel” is used primarily in the business community. Larger organizations employ their counsel directly in the company while other use law firms. Managers and businesses leaders cannot be expected to know the intricate details of laws but must have a general understanding of law to function effectively. Counsel and attorney are the subject matter experts in the law of business. Businesses must ensure
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