Functional Areas of Business

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Functional Areas of Business Outcome 2 Report Kevin Dow 1. Main activities of functions in Motorola A function within a business of one of its areas of activity. Operations The operation function is an important part of Motorola; the operations function allows Motorola to manage their resources and the supply chain of their products. The operations function can also help to assist managers in making key strategic decision. Operations management is the efficient conversion of resources into good and services in the business, this is important to Motorola as keeping operations efficient can save money and time. Effective operations within Motorola can reduce costs by saving time and eliminating wastage. It can also allow for a higher quality product to be produced. One main responsibility of the operations function is to develop an organisations strategy to deal with the operations of the business. Another key element of the function is to control and plan the operations within Motorola. Sales and Marketing One of the main roles which the sales and marketing function within Motorola is the development and implementation of a marketing strategy; these will usually include the products being made, the price, promotion and also the place. Another key role of the function is to identify any opportunities in the market place as well as finding out the customers’ needs and wants. Market research is important within the sales and marketing function and allows customer feedback for the business. Sales and marketing will be looking at the promotion of its products to both new and existing customers, giving the features and benefits of the product. A key responsibility of the sales and marketing function is to develop new products and launch them using advertising campaigns designed specifically for each product. Another important responsibility is

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