From My English Barrier Experience

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From my Language Barrier Experience I am from a Country that speaks English as a daily language in most of its institutions like schools, government institutions, churches, organizations, social grouping, etc. But the English language that is spoken in all these institutions various from one tribe to another and one of the many reasons for this is that we are a people that speaks 16 dialects. And those 16 dialects create something like a style in the way we speak from tribe to tribe. And this is the same for every country and people in the world we live in today Nobody’s born with the language they speak today. Just as Amy Tan said in her story in paragraph thirteen (13) that, “I my mother English is what I grow up in”. Everyone is born with a clean tongue that is transformed to make sounds and words that are native to their homeland and people they were raised by. Language can’t be described as a trait, like the color of your skin or the width of your shoulders. When society discriminates against individuals that speak differently, they are judging them based on how they were raised and how they were taught to speak, people don’t see them as just a person that didn’t have a choice of how they wanted to communicate, and conformed to fit into a puzzle of a whole area of people that sound the same way. Some will argue but I know this for fact that that people are molded by experience and adapt to the environment they were placed in. Life is based on survival and if you want to survive people has to absorb in their surroundings, including the way the human beings communicate with one another. The vast varieties of different ways people move their tongue to form and produce words is endless. Language should just be a part of someone’s personality and don’t be ridicule as it is done sometimes. I had to deal with this on my first visit to

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