Friendships Themes and Sub Themes

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Themes and Sub Themes associated in the building of Friendships Joanne Parkhill B00533787 School of Psychology University of Ulster, Coleraine Research Procedure Word Count: 2,018 PSY109 Practical Report Introduction The report was carried out to identify the themes that build and make up a friendship between various individuals. We were given two transcripts which included two separate interviews about two individuals who took part in an interview discussing their friendships with different groups of individuals. From the transcripts there was a range of sub themes collected and from this there emerged a range of main themes associated with friendship. Friendship, is an experience that everyone will explore whether it’s long term or for a short period of time. People have friends throughout every stage of life for example primary school, high school, college, university etc. Friendship can be defined as a "distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern on the part of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the others sake, and that involves intimacy. As such, friendship is central in our lives and in part because our friends can help shape who we are as persons" [Lynch, 2005]. Friendship is an ongoing event in an individual’s life therefore it was of particular interest that we looked into the background of building and maintaining friendships. The aims of the study were to understand student experiences of friendship and to explore the meaning given to friendships by students, although to explore these aims it required understanding, interpretation and meaning and from this discover what qualities build into making a strong, close friendship. The participants from the interview both live very different lives; however there were common themes and sun themes emerging from the content. The five main themes

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