Friends Is Said Sometimes to Be Good but Sometimes to Be Bad. Discuss

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Everybody has friends so it is undeniable that friends have become an important part of our daily lives. Some may say friends are absolutely good and necessary for us but some may find that friends are not always good to us. Quite a few people agree with the point of view that friends are always good to you. First, friends can help us so much in our lives even when we face the most difficult problems. They can pick us up and make us feel better. For example, when I was in grade 7, I got a bad mark in my final test and felt very depressed. At that case, I felt like no one could help me, but my best friend helped me overcome it magically. Second, friends can help us in our work. Together with them, we can solve many difficult problems. For instance, my sister has a college friend who is still working with her and help her a lot. Last week, they together are voted best couple of the company. By contrast, some people find that friends sometimes can be bad. First, some friends can easily make you not concentrate in your study. So it is obvious that your study will be bad and you will consequently get bad marks. For example, some of my classmates always goes playing computer games after school together. Their studies are gradually worse. Second, bad friends always make you have bad habits like violent behaviors at school or smoking. For example, when I was in grade 6, I saw some students who were smoking and hitting a small boy in the street. In conclusion, friends is always good and sometimes bad. In my opinion, making friends is always bring advantages to

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