French Food Terms

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1. French Food Terms 2. Bain-marie: A roasting pan or baking dish partially filled with water to allow food to cook more slowly and be protected from direct high heat. Used for custards and terrines. 3. Bavarois Creamy pudding that is made with cream and eggs, then set with gelatin. 4. Beignets Fritters. Small dollops of dough that are fried. 5. Beurre Manié Butter and flour mixed together in equal parts and used to thicken liquids. 6. Beurr 7. e Noisette Browned butter. 8. Bisque A shellfish soup that has been thickened. 9. Blanquette A stew made from meat that has not been browned or fried. Usually refers to stews made of lamb, chicken or veal. 10. Bouchées Small puff pastry cases. 11. Bouillon Broth or stock. 12. Brunoise Vegetables cut into very small diced pieces. 13. Canapé An appetizer consisting of a small bread or biscuit base covered with a flavored topping 14. Chapelux Browned bread crumbs. 15. Chine To remove the backbone from a rack of ribs. 16. Concasser To chop roughly 17. Consommé Broth that has been made clear. 18. Coulis A thick sauce usually made from one main ingredient, such as raspberry coulis. 19. Croustade Bread piece dipped in butter and baked until it is crisp. 20. Dégorger To extract juices from meat, fish or vegetables, usually by salting them, then soaking or washing. It is usually done to remove a strong taste. 21. Dépouiller To skim off the scum that accumulates at the top of a stock or sauce. 2. French Cheeses. 1. Camembert 2. Brie de Meaux 3. Saint Nectaire 4. Cantal 5. Tomme de Savoie 3. Interesting Fact about French Food The French people consume enough cheese to provide 45 pounds of cheese per person, making them the largest cheese consumers in the world. In addition the French produce over 400 different kinds of cheese.

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