French and Indian War Dbq

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French and Indian War DBQ The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended in 1763. The name “French and Indian War,” was one later adopted by the Americans and the British. Relations between Britain and its American colonies were substantially altered politically, ideologically, and economically in many ways. The relationship was altered politically due to Britain’s control of the entire eastern coastline, economically on how British policies after 1763 were designed to raise revenue to pay for the cost of the empire, and ideologically in the loyalty of the American colonists. From a political standpoint, the Americans and the British did not see eye-to-eye. In 1763, King George of Britain issued the Proclamation Line. The Proclamation Line was an imaginary line that separated the colonists from the Indians. The initial purpose of the Proclamation Line was to ensure that there was no conflict between the colonists and the Native Americans. The Indians to wanted this, only 20 years earlier. In a speech to representatives of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia in 1742, Canassatego (Chief of the Onondaga Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy) didn’t want any more white people to hunt or settle on Indian land. The British Empire had expanded greatly (Following the Treaty of Paris, a peace treaty France signed after the British defeated them in 1763, France was required to surrender it’s large western territory in Louisiana and other claims to Spain in compensation for it’s loss of Florida to Great Britain. Along with Florida, Great Britain also gained territory in French Canada. The map of colonial Empires in North America in 1754 and 1763 shows the shift of colonial power before and after the French and Indian War (document A).) With this, Britain had to not only govern the well-being of there own land but also that of the colonies. The British were
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