Freedom In Families

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Task: Some people believe that children nowadays have too much freedom. Others believe that children are protected too much by their parents. Which of these statements do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your decision. Essay: It is purely my personal wild guess that the first statement was elaborated by an authoritarian parent and the second by one rebel youngster. They always tend to have these vast opinions. The truth? It’s stuck somewhere in the middle. Society is full of distinct types of people who differ in behaves: they are of different generations. However, every family has vast ways of living and ways of acting. Some are living in an atmosphere of total and mad freedom, while others are irrefragable strict and consider the freedom not a right for their sons and daughters. Freedom is a sin for some kind of families in our societies. They deeply believe that if their children are given their freedom they will be totally exposed to fall in mistakes and to continue in a wrong way. Moreover, these families have great objections on giving the freedom for their children and think that if they do not control them, their requirements to a standard structure a person should aspirate to, will not be fulfilled, and along this, their safety will be affected. On the other hand, we notice that most of the families are being open minded, with no limits, so that they are giving their children ‘the freedom’. That means that they can exactly, take decisions by their own minds and they know the meaning of the word ‘allowance’: everything without hearing the word “no” or “you can’t”. However, this way of relation between the parents and their children will be perfect if it is done responsibly, with boundaries and over looking. Finally, I think that freedom is extremely essential as a character-building for a person. So
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