Free Will, Determinism

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In order to evaluate whether determinism leaves room for moral responsibility, I must first define determinism. In the scope of this essay, I will consider that which is generally viewed as “hard determinism.” I will then further argue that this rigid view of determinism is too stringent to be relied upon, and that a more fluid version would allow for the coexistence of both determinism and free will. Thus, I posit that determinism can be compatible with moral responsibility, insofar as we use the right type of determinism. Hard determinism generally posits that if determinism is true, every human action is pre-determined by conditions that have been set forth before the existence of a specific agent. It then follows that an agent does not act freely, has no free will, and is therefore never morally responsible for its actions. Though the logic of this seems feasible, I argue that the consequences of hard determinism are unacceptable, as all performed actions are not fully pre-determined. I posit that determinism is only true insofar that actions are influenced by their pre-determined conditions. Rather than P1 inescapably leading to P2, it is more intuitive that the consequences of P1 influence an agent to perform a certain action. Further, I posit that there are an infinite number of possible actions to be taken as a result of P1 as determined by the agent itself. For example, if I receive a failing grade on a philosophy exam, my resulting action could encompass any number of things, including breaking down, attacking my professor after class, orBaker 2 jumping off of a bridge. Though these actions are all equally possible, they are not equally likely. Thus, I posit that all actions alter the probability of subsequent actions, but that they do not determine them; rather, they are determined by the agent. I can freely choose among
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