Frederick Banting's education began at a public high school in Allison from where he proceeded to study at the University of Toronto. Banting failed his first year in arts at the University of Toronto and then decided to enrol in medicine. He graduated in 1916, with above average grades and joined the Canadian Army Medical Corps where he served in Wold War I as a medical officer in France. In 1918 he was wounded
Describe the life of the personality you have studied (2010 HSC) Born in Mannheim, Germany in 1905, Albert Speer was persuaded to take up architecture by his father who made a significant impact on Speer’s life. He pursued his architecture studies at the Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe in 1923 and graduated in four years later, two years before the Great Depression. He became Professor Tessenow’s assistant, a supporter of the Nazi Party in the same year, opening the door for Speer. It must be noted that Speer and his family were an apolitical family. Speer’s first introduction to Nazism was in 1930 where he attended a meeting which Hitler spoke at.
In 1922, the Canadian doctors Frederick Banting and Charles Best injected a 14-year-old diabetic with insulin to control his blood sugar. Although not a cure, it has kept
In 1930 he won the annual prize in neuroanatomy and was elected to Alpha Phi Omega, the school's honorary medical society. During this time, under the influence of Dr. John Beattie, a visiting professor from England, Drew began his research in blood transfusions. The four different types of blood had recently been discovered. Doctors knew what type of blood they were giving to patients and were avoiding the negative effects of mixing incompatible blood types. However, because whole blood was highly perishable, the problem of having the appropriate blood type readily available still existed.
The outbreak of the first World War provided him with an opportunity for a fresh start. It was a chance for him to become involved in proving that Germany was superior to other European countries. Rejecting the idea of fighting for Austria, Hitler volunteered for the German army and was accepted into the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. Hitler fought bravely in the war and was promoted to corporal and decorated with both the Iron Cross Second Class and First Class, the latter of which he wore until his dying day [ironically the regimental captain who recommended him for the award was Jewish]. Adolf Hitler was then hospitalized with temporary blindness from a British gas attack.
One of our most influential Presidents John F Kennedy was born on May 29th 1917. As a baby he became known as Jack. While attending Harvard Jack’s father Joseph Kennedy Sr was appointed US Ambassador to England. Correspondence with his father and visits to England exposed Jack to the strife that lead to WW II. His thesis analyzed England’s inaction with Germany prior to the start of WW II.
Once he triumphed high school at just 17 years old, he began attending the University of Michigan, first for engineering, later for botany and biology. Kevorkian graduated in medicine in 1952. During his residency as a pathologist at the university he became fascinated by death. He argued, at one point, for the “terminal human experimentation” he wanted to do on death
Paired with vice presidential candidate Calvin Coolidge, Harding eschewed a speaking tour in favor of a “front porch” campaign in which he read carefully scripted speeches to delegations of visitors at his Marion home. After eight years of the administrations of President Woodrow Wilson, during which Americans had been asked to sacrifice greatly to reform the United States and to aid the Allied cause in World War I, Harding’s undemanding call for a return to normalcy was precisely what war-weary, disillusioned voters wanted to hear. Harding won the election by the largest landslide to date, capturing some 60 percent of the popular
They then married in June of 1950. He was very much involved in politics and once his brother became president he was appointed into his cabinet and he played a big roll. He resigned when he brother was assassinated in 1963. Kennedy then ran for Senator of New York and was successful. He ran for senator in New York instead of his home state, which was Virginia because he was thinking about presidency.
The priests from the Red River colony hoped that he would become the first Metis priest, so they arranged him to be sent to school in Montreal. Though he did not finish his studies, on how to become a priest and instead, in 1865 he decided to go work in the law office in Montreal. During that time, Confederation was discussed everywhere in the city, and his employers were strong supporters of the rights of French- speaking Canadians. Their beliefs in French- speaking Canadians influenced him, so he became deeply involved in the struggle to improve lives of his people. Riel missed his family and the Red River, by the summer of 1868 he returned back to his homeland.