Frankenstein - Comment on Shelley’s Presentation of Encounters Between the Creature and People and Their Effects on Each Other

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Comment on Shelley’s presentation of encounters between the creature and people and their effects on each other Throughout the novel, Shelley presents a variety of encounters between the creature and people which have profound effects. Written in 1818 in the latter stages of the Gothic literary genre, Shelley uses these encounters to portray the themes of loneliness, revenge, fear and hatred which were common in gothic and romantic texts of the time. Although, with the traditional gothic theme of horror, the creature is often depicted as the evil instigator of these encounters, it is clear that Shelley shows the creature has a ‘good side’ as well. The theme of loneliness is prominent throughout Frankenstein with the creature seeking encounters with people as it needs someone to share a relationship with. In volume 2, the creature shows how he wants to be with a group of people who would care for him when he encounters the De Lacey’s after living near them for a time. The creature spends the entire winter watching the cottagers, and grows to love each of them passionately, attempting to learn their language, which he regards as ‘a godlike science’. He ‘longed to join them but dared not’, fearing that they would be as superficial as all humans and judge him on his looks. Hetherington shows that having read Paradise Lost in her novel, the creature likens himself to the loneliness of Adam and Eve after their banishment from Eden. However, the creature is even more alone and abandoned than these creatures and never committed any wrongdoing in his life. The monster has encounters with humans in other ways as he helps the De Lacey’s in the background, being ‘enabled to assist them’ by helping collect firewood. Shelley presents the creature understanding and learning as he realises ‘stealing a part of their store’ from the cottagers was wrong. He instead attempts to live
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