Fragility Of Life

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As much as we try not to we all live in our little world of existence, concerned about mediocre problems that we deal with in our daily lives, that seem huge to us until something happens that put things back in perspective, such as the loss of life. Within the loss of life comes many things, the first is the realization that life is short, and fragile, everything you have could be gone in seconds. I could sit here and be a cliche and tell you everything from Google quotes, but what would that solve? This should put in perspective so many things that we should already know. Life is about always being your authentic self, taking advantage of your full potential as a person, and always living with a kind soul, and doing whatever you think is right. I want to know that if I die for some reason, I am not only dying without regrets, but I am leaving behind the image and legend of myself I always aspired to be. I have always aspired to be a lady, polite, caring, and friendly, but most of all I have always wanted to exude kindness, and at the same time a sweet balance of strength. I must admit that lately I have been taking a lot of time to do some introspection and I haven’t liked the person I have been turning into. We all digress from our sights of who we want to be sometimes because we get caught up and involved with people we shouldn’t or just lose sight of our dreams. Once you begin hanging out with mediocrity, it becomes normal, then you become mediocre. This experience has led me to realize everyday is a new day to continue to become the person that I am and want to be, and forgetting mistakes you have made and moving forward, but I digress…. This is why I cant usually write without an outline lol because as soon as I get started I begin expanding into all types of circles.. lol. On to what I really wanted to say and to wrap this up, when reacting to
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