Forms of Communication

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Forms of communication & interpersonal interactions | Explain what this is | Can you give an example how it plays a role in effective communication | Written | Non-verbal communication, written down on paper, or typed. Such as in letters, email, telephone (text), books, magazines or the internet. | For example written communication is responsible for patient’s notes and care records, while they are in hospital. Things like test results will also be written. | Texting | A type of written communication, a quick process, a message sent from one phone to another. | For example texting can be very effective to send a quick message to a friend, family member or another peer. | Signs and symbols | Non-verbal type of communication can help to convey emotions and is an alternative form of communication to written. | For example adding an angry face in a text can convey this fury and annoyance to the receiver. | Music and drama | Music and drama communication is using music and drama to express yourself. The art of music and drama can be used as a therapeutic tool to help with creative expression. | For example music and drama may be used in therapy sessions within hospitals; this form of communication may be particularly effective with children. | First language | Can be either verbal or non-verbal. A person’s language in which they were taught first, their primary language, not one learnt in later life. | For example if a patient’s first language is not English and they know very little or none, it will be very hard for them to understand. In this case it is important for another form of communication to be used. | Jargon | Jargon is special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand. | For example medical staff may use jargon, such as BM’s or BP, this may be confusing for the patient as they are
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