Formative Assessment Essay

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Assessment for learning focuses on ascertaining information of where students current understandings lie and also assisting them to new knowledge and understandings. Formative assessments is defined by (Cowie and Bell, 1991) as a course of action used by teachers and students to recognise and respond to students learning to improve that learning during learning. During the 1980’sand 1990’s emphasis on assessing learners was primary placed in their teacher’s control. Solitary dominance within assessment for learning created passive learners who were inactive within the process, it also fashioned who relied heavily on the decisions and judgments of teachers. (Harlen, 1998) highlights the positive alternative saying the more input students have the greater their learning is, pupils who play a part in deciding their next steps rather than being passive recipients actions this process. The current conceptualization of assessment for learning is one that is shared by learner and teacher. It is collaborative and promotes self reflection by encouraging students to review their work constructively, critically, independently and eventually via self managing and also promotes student understanding of goals and criteria. The student teacher partnership of ‘gathering information’ is done to interpret evidence, to decide where students are and where they need to go and how best to get there (Assessment Reform Group, 2002). The two most common identified forms of formative assessment are ‘planned and interactive assessment’; these are viewed as a whole class before or after a lesson and ‘interactive formative assessment’ is done individually during the teaching process. Planned formative assessment according to (Cowie and Bell 1999) is a process which looks to elicit and interpret information pertaining to students existing understandings and act upon these to build new
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