Forensic Archaeology Essay

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Forensic archaeology Forensic archaeologists are employed by police and other agencies to help locate evidence at a crime scene using the skills normally used on archaeological sites to uncover evidence from the past. Forensic Archaeologists are employed to locate, excavate and record buried remains, the variety of such targets is large and each case is unique in its requirements. However whilst the types of target that forensic archaeologists are asked to investigate are diverse the most common can be generally grouped as buried small items or personal effects from a victim of crime, which may be used to corroborate a statement or contain other evidential value. What They Do The groups include evidence buried by a perpetrator of a crime to hide their involvement, potential gravesites, forensic archaeology attempts to locate and recover any human remains whilst also recording all evidence in association with the remains to reconstruct events that took place prior to the burial of the victim or victims. The grave may be sought as part of an investigation of an unsolved crime or may in some rare cases result from information gained from an individual already convicted of the crime in the absence of a grave. Surface body disposals where a recent victim has been concealed under fallen walls, tree branches, rubbish etc. In this case the application of archaeological stratigraphic recording to the removal of the layers of material concealing the victim can be of great evidential value. The collaboration of a forensic archaeologist, entomologist and forensic botanist in cases of this sort can allow very detailed reconstructions of the timing of the disposal and have in previous cases been decisive in proving a death was not accidental but an intentional criminal act. Mass graves, usually as part of an international organization’s investigation where the recovery

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