Foreign Aid In Education Essay

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Foreign aid is defined as financial flow, assistance and provision of commodities to promote economic development through grants and loans. Aid comes from donor governments to low and middle income countries, aid to countries with higher levels of wealth, and aid provided by private, non-government organizations, charities, non-profit groups. These types of aid are official development assistance, official assistance and voluntary assistance respectively (Radelet, 2006). Aid is typically provided to stimulate economic growth, to strengthen education and other social systems, to provide food and necessities for relief, and to stabilize economy after crisis. The role of aid in education is an integral one as this development of educational systems and programs can have a direct impact on all infrastructural systems within a government as one of the goals of education is to create a productive and well trained workforce, which in turn supports the development of countries. Role of Aid in International Education Organizations such as Global Partnerships (Lamont, n.d.), the only global fund that is entirely dedicated to procuring funds for educational need in developing countries, work to support the development of a country’s…show more content…
An example shared by Ochs and Yonemura (2012) is related to those organizations that focus mainly on short term plans as these plans restrict projects to short-term funding. The result will be the undermining of long term plans and relatedly, sustainability. Another limitation shared includes the fact that the majority of funds are not necessarily allocated to low-income countries; in fact a reported 33% of all money allocated globally was provided to such countries (Ochs & Yonemura). Other limitations include a lack of educational progress monitoring systems to assess and evaluate the use and impact of the aid
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