For Evil to Prosper All It Needs Is for Goodmen to Say Nothing

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“For evil to prosper all it needs is for good men to say nothing” ‘For evil to prosper all it needs is for good men to say nothing’. This is a common quote in fact the most common political quote you will find anywhere. The quote is used to keep Edmund Burke’s memory alive, rather than his position as a writer which he is being quoted for. It is made to stand as one of the unquestionable truths about the need for freedom of action in democratic societies. A truth which crosses national loyalties. Why are we letting the evil minded win? What would you rather be- hated because you ruin other people’s lives, or looked up to because you halted the evil minded in their tracks? We could stop this, we could speak out, but no we don’t because we are cowards. Who here has ever spoken out to stop something big? I can tell you the answer to that – no-one. Let me tell you a story… I know I’m guilty too. I once knew this girl called Rhiannon Diedrich. She got bullied a lot. I stood by and watched it get worse and worse, until one day she couldn’t take it anymore. She went home that day after school. The next day we found out that she was dead. She had hung herself in her bedroom. I could have stopped it. I was watching as they stole her money, ripped up her work and made her own up to the things they did. They even almost got her expelled at one point. I would have told someone, but I was scared they would bully me. Would you have done the same? I could have said something. But I didn’t. Who here has been bullied? So you know what it feels like? Or if you haven’t been bullied, have you ever stopped someone else being bullied? No! You and me, we let the evil people win every time! We rely on everyone else to be the bullied person’s knight in shining armour. But what if their knight in shining armour never comes? And they feel worse and worse until they can’t take it anymore.

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