Food & Nutrition

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Kitchen Planning Kitchen Planning NAME: Grace-Ann McKnight Form: 4H Subject: Food and Nutrition Teacher: Ms Pilgrim Due Date: 10th January 201 Table of Content Table of Content Factors to be considered When the Layout of the Kitchen……………………………….. pg. 4 Advantages and Disadvantages Of the Types of Kitchen Units………………………………….Pg.5-7 Guidelines for the Efficient Use of Time for Food Preparation and Services…………………………………………pg. 8-9 Types of Time and Labour Saving Devices used in Food Preparation…………………………………………………pg. 10 Types of Kitchen Units……………………………………………pg. 11-12 10 Ways Fuel Energy can Be Conserved during Food Preparation……………………………………………………… 13 5 Ways Personal Energy Can be conserved during Food Preparation………………………………………………….pg. 14 Procedures for Proper Storing Of Food in the Home…………………………………………… 15 Kitchen Ergonomics………………………………………………pg. 16-17 Conclusion……………………………………………………… 18 Bibliography……………………………………………………….pg. 19 Introduction Introduction A kitchen is the heart of the home because food has such an important role in our lives. In order to have a design a kitchen that will be suitable for your home, kitchen planning will have to come into play. Kitchen planning is renovating your kitchen to best fit your home. In this project you will learn how you’ll be able to design your kitchen to suit your style. Factors to Be Considered When Planning the Layout of the Kitchen Factors to Be Considered When Planning the Layout of the Kitchen Modern houses today, tend to have smaller kitchens than old ones do from back in the days. When planning a layout for a kitchen: • Make sure that when setting up the kitchen utensils and equipment, position them in a logical order so that they would form a continuous working area to suit the sequence
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