Food Inc. Reflection

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Tikora Alexander Wehler Wellness 8 November 2010 Food Inc. As one of the leading countries of processed foods, America struggles to provide the public with healthy whole foods due to the constant growth of population. Stated in the film Food Inc., “There are no seasons” in America because scientists have discovered ways to manipulate sources in order for citizens to have harvested foods all year round. The concerns of these methods include proper raising of the foods, price inflation and deflation, and health issues. American citizens have trusted certain regulators such as the FDA (Food Drug Administration) to regulate large suppliers which was explained in the film that their control and authority is limited due to most suppliers having so much power. The conflict for farmers to grow whole and natural food (for the pubic) is the time that is needed. Another concern was is the food safe enough to sell to the public and should Americans have to pay more for healthier and safer food. The food industry does not take the public’s health as a primary concern because they make millions by producing more quickly. Due to fillers and chemicals used to process meats, one specific death of a young toddler created a proposal of Kevin’s law. This law would give the FDA more authority to shut down suppliers that sold contaminated goods. As companies gain more power the more control they have over our diets. In the film, one immigrated family was interviewed explaining their non healthy eating habits due to affordability. Not only not being able to afford to eat properly, fast food meals are prepared and quick. Although families are struggling the workers also have a difficult challenge. Many workers are immigrants and work in harsh conditions, leading the companies into
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