Follow Up to 1930’s Economic Recovery Debate

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Follow up to 1930’s Economic Recovery Debate 1. What decisions did the class make during our debate (what type of resolutions were passed)? We first discussed the issue of government control and whether the government should give money to the poor people in order to help them and help the country get out of the depression. We all discussed and tried to negotiate. I was in the socialist group that wanted government control over the issues and we tended to agree with the new dealers group, while the conservative and libertarians sided together. We were thinking that if we give people the money that it would be easier for them to be able to wait out the recession while the conservative group and libertarian group thought that it would be better to give the money to the businesses so they can have something to stimulate their business and then they can be the ones to pay the people. The only problem is whether or not they would share the money or keep it, because we have had problems with monopolies in the country. We ended up changing and rearranging the policies. The second and third resolutions were combined and the fourth one we changed it by having the government regulate instead of take control of labor policies and industries in general. In the end the first resolution won where it states that the federal government will launch a work program, like what the new dealers mentioned about changing it from the outside with a work bureau, that will employ workers and to build bridges, roads, and damns. The next issue we began discussing was the issue of child labor. We were trying to decide whether the children should work a couple hours or go to work instead of school. The New Dealers came up with a proposition that children can work if they need to help provide their family as long as they don’t work more than 24 hours a week so that they will be

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