Focus on Act One and Analyse How Priestly's Dramatic Devices Shape the Audiences Response to “an Inspector Calls”

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Focus on act one and analyse how Priestly's dramatic devices shape the audiences response to “an inspector calls” J.B Priestly cleverly wrote, 1945 play “an inspector calls” uses different styles such as a medieval morality, Brecht and Aristotle. J.B Preistlys main concerns in life were the differences between the “lower class” and “upper class” and how people the exact same were treated different just because of their sex or how much money they had. Priestly has very intelligently used the dates 1912 and 1945 , 1912 is the year the play was set, 1912 is also the year before the famous “unsinkable” Titanic had set off to sea. Also what makes 1912 significant is the fact none of the world wars had started and in 1945 of course all the world wars were over and Titanic the “unsinkable” ship had sunk. Priestly uses dramatic irony when Birling is talking such as “you’ll hear some people say that wars inevitable and to that I say-fiddlesticks!” Here J.B Priestly makes Birling look stupid, to make such a silly call like that, that there is no chance of there being a war. But the audience that would be watching this play would know that there have been two world wars in the last 33 years! The audience would now think of Birling as someone who thinks he knows it all! But really does not have a clue what he is talking about! And this is the message Priestly wants to give out about rich upper classed obnoxious people, that they have pretty no idea what they’re talking about. This is known as dramatic irony when the audience know exactly whats going on or whats going to happen, in this case. Priestly does very well in showing that Birling basically thinks he knows everything! This shows later in the play Birling will be talking rubbish and the audience will know this. Priestly has chosen for the lighting o change when Inspector Goole enters, he writes “The lighting should be
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