When the Hundred Years War broke out, both side decided to use their ability to tax the church granted to the kings by the church as a repayment for the crusades. When the church refused to pay France, they kidnapped Pope Boniface VIII. The Pope died soon after his rescue and the cardinals elected a French pope so as not to stir trouble again. But instead of moving to Rome, the new Pope Clement V stayed in Avignon. A new string of Popes would settle in Avignon for the next 70 years where the French kings were able to maintain a firm hold on the papacy.
One of the minor ones were that you were allowed to get a divorce and one of the brutal ones were that Henry VIII Henry was born in 1491 in Greenwich Palace near London and died in 1547 and between those years Henry made some changes to the church. One of the changes he made were making divorces legal as the pope said no to his request to get a divorce with Catherine of Aragon. Another reason was that he wanted more money so he could got to war with France which was very expensive. He sent his people to close the monasteries down and collect all the money and he collected all the money from the Church of England (the church he founded). Henry also wanted more power because he wanted Europe to know that England is a powerful country and he wanted a son because he thought that men were more powerful than women.
How far do you agree that the limited appeal of Mazzini’s ideas was the main reason for the slow progress of national unity in Italy in the years 1815 – 48? National unity is when a nation comes together through sharing the same physical and religious beliefs. During 1815 and 1848 man revolutions took place in Italy, specifically in The Papal states, Piedmont, Sicily, Modena and Parma. The revolutionaries varied from students to soldiers who were all fighting against the Monarchy. The monarchy treated its states people terribly and they were fed up, this is how the revolutionaries came to be, in general the revolutionaries were to an extent successful because they overthrew the monarchies however they were then beaten by the Austrian reinforcements that the monarchy asked help from.
Luther’s arguments referred to a direct relationship with God and using the local vernacular to speak to the people. Luther’s arguments removed the absolute power from the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in general. The revenue from the taxes paid to the Church would be reduced with Luther’s ideas, in part because of the removal of buying souls out of purgatory. And thanks to the printing press, Luther’s 95 Theses was reprinted throughout Germany, which soon attracted many followers, as well as many enemies. In 1520, the Pope excommunicated with Martin Luther.
Otho had sent his troops to late and his army suffered a horrible defeat. When he heard of this defeat ,he killed himself .Otho had reigned for barely 95 days.Aelius Vitellius was the next emperor. He abandoned himself to exaggeration and all but ignored the troops who had given him the throne. Also, upon hearing that the troops of his rival ,Vespasian, were approaching Rome Vitellius begged the senate to allow him to leave the throne and live as a private citizen so he could be
[1] The loss of the territory of Jerusalem in the summer of 1244 had unravelled the unexpected success of the Sixth Crusade and as a result King Louis IX of France, as a devout Christian, wished to travel to the East to reclaim the lost Christian lands. It was the combination of a grave illness, the desire to follow the Capetian tradition and the events that had taken place in the East which compelled Louis IX to take the cross in December 1244. The Seventh Crusade, however, did not reach Jerusalem as Louis IX was forced to return to France due to the troubles in his own kingdom. [2] In spite of such failures, the fall of Antioch in 1268 inspired the courageous king to return to the East. While figures such as Louis IX and Jean de Joinville were motivated by the actions of their predecessors, further Christians felt compelled to join the crusading movement as they believed in the idea of the crusade as a ‘penance rewarded by the indulgence.’[3] The political climate of Western Europe in 1245 did not, however, favour the implementation of a new crusade.
Their effectiveness is due to how the examples display our, America’s, usage of Christian beliefs compared to what the actual beliefs say. His most effective example would have to be when he describes how America breaks one of the Ten Commandments themselves. It is true we are a nation that still permits the death penalty. However, the irony he displays sets it apart from the others because the sixth commandment itself says “Thou Shall Not Kill.” Not only that, his perspective of how we say we are Christian is also good for his argument. One negative aspect to his essay would have to be his bias toward conservatives and the rich.
However, with the French defeat and Spanish victory over Florence in 1512, Machiavelli was sent into exile. Forced to give up politics, he decided to write books, which reflected on his governmental ideas. Machiavelli ended up writing one of the most famous books in the Western world, titled The Prince. Through his book he spoke about how order should have been maintained and how a ruler ought to have behaved in Italy during his time. His advice for rulers covered a broad range of subjects, including reputation, cruelty, defense, and generosity.
* Why Martin Luther became disillusioned with the Church of Rome * Martin Luther was one of the most influential figures in Christian history. He was a controversial figure in the Reformation movement. In this essay, the intent is to point out the reason as to why Martin Luther was disappointed with the methods and intention of the Roman Church. How he entered into monastery work, how his Catholic upbringing contributed, and his 95 theses on the issue of indulgences. * Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483, in Roman Catholicism in the small town of Eisleben, Saxony, in modern southeast Germany.
He had complete power and with that power he forced Catholicism and raised taxes on the bourgeoisie to give money to the nobility and the clergy. The French people revolted after he passed the “July Ordinance” which made free press illegal and got rid of his legislators. After Charles X fled, the people elected Luis-Philippe as king. At first the people liked him, but eventually the economy worsened and he had to raise taxes. The people didn’t like that, so they revolted once again in 1848.