Flannery OConnor Analysis - The Artificial Nigger

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Travis Payne Block 3 October 5, 2008 Flannery O’Connor Analysis - The Artificial Nigger The short story “The Artificial Nigger”, written by Flannery O’Connor, was an interesting story and very different from the rest of her stories. This is because O’Connor usually ends the story so that one of the characters in her stories dies. She does this in the belief that the true identity of a person comes out in the moment right before their death when reality hits them. The story resembles a lot of O’Connor’s other stories because she shows a lot of racism by referring African Americans to the repulsive and degrading name of “Nigger”. “Mr. Head stopped where he was and turned. “And there’s good reason for that,” he shouted into the Negro’s chest, “because the cockroaches would run the passengers out!” (O’Connor) She also seems to always have where she was born, Georgia, into the plot setting of her stories. The two main characters in this story are Mr. Head, the grandfather, and Nelson, the grandson. Mr. Head is characterized as a wise old man that always needs someone to talk, and comes across as the type that can never swallow his pride to admit when he’s wrong. He hates being at fault because of the reactions that he thinks Nelson is going to have towards his mistakes like in this quote, “Mr. Head had to make special arrangements with the ticket agent to have this train stop and he was secretly afraid it would not, in which case, he knew Nelson would say, “I never thought no train was going to stop for you.” (O’Connor) Nelson on the other hand is the normal ten-year-old obnoxious boy that thinks he’s smarter than he really is. He looks up to his grandfather, but won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing it. Here’s a quote example of when Nelson thinks he smarter than he really is, “How you know I never saw a nigger when I lived there before?" Nelson asked. "I

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