Five Stages of Development

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Five Stages of Development Jessica Irish AED 202 September 20, 2012 Lashonda Reid The developmental period are broken down into five age groups. The first developmental period is infancy (birth to 2 years). The second developmental period is early childhood (2 years to 6 years). The third developmental period is middle childhood (6 to 10 years). The fourth stage is early adolescents (10 years to 14 years). The final developmental period is late adolescents (14 years to 18 years). During each of these developmental periods distinct changes occur. “Looking at a newborn, it is hard to grasp the enormous changes that will take place in the next two years.” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 18). During this developmental period the child is completely dependent on others. The child is, also, equipped with a handful of skills that gain comfort and stimulation from caregivers. “A distinctive cry, physical reflexes, an attractive smile, and a brain alert to both novelty and sameness.” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 18). If the caregiver responds warmly and consistently, attachment will grow. This security will strengthen the babies desire to learn. At this developmental period the infant wants to know everything. McDevitt and Ormrod state examples like “what keys taste like, what older family members do in the kitchen, what lurks on the other side of an electrical outlet, what happens when they drop their bowl of peas, and how other children respond when they pull their hair.” (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2004, p. 18). As the infants language skills grow the infant begins to build an interest in concrete things. Something that might begin to interest the infant is warm water in the bathtub or a parent’s laugh. Their intellectual curiosity also fuels a drive to use their physical skills. At this time they will reach, crawl, and climb for an object that they want.
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