Five Functions Of Management

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Managers in organizations are responsible for working with subordinates and resources of the organization to accomplish goals within. The functions of management consist of five different processes at different levels within the organization. Each level of management delegates duties to the lower level to ensure subordinates are accomplishing goals effectively and efficiently. Management is defined by many different authors as the process in which individuals motivate others to achieve a common goal. To be an effective manager you must not fail at any of the fiver functions or your team will not meet its common goals. The five functions of management include planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Most organizations consider the functions of management as the fundamental management principles. The functions of the principles evolve as the business world rapidly changes making each function more adaptable. The functions of management define the process of management as distinct from accounting, finance, marketing, and other business functions and provide a useful way of classifying information about management (Encyclopedia for Business, 2010). When defining the five functions of management James Higgins suggested in his article entitled “the five functions of management” that there are five areas which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. James Higgins suggests that by using these five functions of management you can have “success is gained through accomplishment of mission and objectives” (Higgins 1994, par11). Higgins also suggests that if a manager fails at doing any of the functions that they fail to reach their goals because they lacked both efficiency and effectiveness. While management is the process of people working together to achieve their common goals, they depend upon the five functions to get these

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