Finishing Dreams Essay

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Finishing Dreams: Halloween and Dresses Early last week I had an odd dream that started at my house with my boyfriend Casey, my Mom, my Sister, my Aunt Londa, my cousin Megan, and my other cousin Nick. It was Halloween weekend and we were stocking up on candy, decorating, and getting ready for the trick or treaters to come. After we were done with our Halloween to do list the kids started showing up for trick or treating. As I was handing candy out in my dream, outside my dream my cat jumped on my bed and woke me up. I was very upset because in my dream I had a feeling that there was an underlying purpose that I was dreaming about this. I wanted to go back to sleep and finish my dream. After a while I slowly drifted back to sleep and to my delight my dream picked up where I left off, but just a little differently. While I was handing out candy my Mom had me trying on wedding dresses with my cousin. There was dresses all over my house, every room was full of them. I would put one on and then go give candy to the kids and then change into another dress. There were some gorgeous dresses, and then there were some hideous dresses. Then I spotted my favorite dress, the one I was waiting to see and try on all night. Just as I was about to slip into the dress I woke up again to my dog barking upstairs. Again I was upset that I didn’t get to finish my dream. This time instead of taking my time to let myself fall back asleep I closed my eyes and started counting to one hundred while also thinking about my last dream. Unfortunately this time I did not dream about the same thing. I didn’t even have a dream worth remembering. Now I will never know what I looked like in that dream dress. The next morning when I woke up I came to the conclusion that remembering my dream depended on the way I fell asleep. When I slowly fell asleep I remembered my dream and finished it, but

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