Financial Aid To Poor Countries

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The issue of poverty reduction is so serious that it has caused strong debate. Some people think that the rich countries fail to relieve the poor countries from poverty by only being offering financial aid. In my view, I totally agree with their view. First of all, even though the financial aid plays a significant role in poverty mitigation, it also leads to a variety of problems. To be more exact, at times the recipient countries gradually develop serious dependence on foreign money instead of making their own efforts to improve the domestic situation. Furthermore, it is not rare that mishandled funds results in severe corruptions in both provider and recipient countries. Last but not least, the debts are so tremendous that the debtor countries have to overly exploit their natural resources in order to repay the debts. Consequently, the poor countries are trapped in a vicious cycle. Therefore, the assistance to the people who live in the poverty-stricken nations should be provided in diverse forms. For instance, the rich countries can recruit volunteers to help the local people improve the educational facilities so as to impart knowledge to the younger generation, teach the workers basic skills as well as offer modern technology to the local scientists. At the same time, with an aim to develop the economy in the deprived countries, the affluent countries should make efforts to help them establish the infrastructure including the power grids, water supply, sewers,telecommunications, hospitals, roads, railways, etc. All in all, given the factors I have just outlined above, we may safely draw the conclusion that even though giving money is an important way to help the destitute nations, the wealthy countries can also play an active role in providing educational aid as well as assistance in building
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