Film Industry Essay

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FILM INDUSTRY The film industry consists of the technological and commercial institutions of filmmaking: i.e. filmproduction companies, film studios, cinematography, film production, screenwriting, pre-production, post production, film festivals, distribution; and actors, film directors and other film crew personnel. Though the expense involved in making movies almost immediately led film production to concentrate under the auspices of standing production companies, advances in affordable film making equipment, and expansion of opportunities to acquire investment capital from outside the film industry itself, have allowed independent film production to evolve. Modern film industry The major business centers of film making are in the United States, Hong Kong and India. In Europe, France, Germany and United Kingdom are the countries that lead movie production. Distinct from the centers are the locations where movies are filmed. Because of labor and infrastructure costs, many films are produced in countries other than the one in which the company which pays for the film is located. For example, many U.S. and Indian movies are filmed in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or in Eastern European countries. First Movies in the World * In 1877 Charles Emile Reynaud invented the Praxinoscope, a mirrored drum that gives the illusion of movement using strips of pictures. * In 1881 William Kennedy Laurie Dickson designed the Kinetoscope, a kind of movie projector and ran a trial of a movie called 'Monkeyshines'. * A year after Thomas Edison's invention of the Kinetoscope the Holland Brothers opened the first Kinetoscope Parlor in New York. This was the first commercial exhibition of movies. * In 1895 Louis and Auguste Lumiere patented Cinematographe, a device that could project movies to several spectators at the same time. December 28

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