Fighting Vandalism Essay

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One of problem that occurs in most states is Vandalism. Vandalism is growing as a national problem its also a problem that gets to everyone in some form or another. It can affect you family, friends, property, community and your pocketbook. The more we know about Vandalism, the more you can make it a crime that is more trouble than it’s worth. Not all the school and children’s are safe from Vandalism, especially in genteel suburbs. But there are many ways to fight Vandalism back and one of those ways is with a creative art program. There are many ways to fight Vandalism one of those ways is to incorporated more creative arts programs into the schools. The district of Bellmore, L.I is doing just that, with a great program that has the intended to turn the problem of Vandalism into an opportunity to teach children’s and mobilize community cooperation. This device is a creative arts program in the North Bellmore elementary schools, aimed at students with special talents in creative writing, drama, music, dance, arts and design. Bringing students creative arts abilities to bear on local problems by now seems an integral part of the Bellmore school scene, in the pass year this program mobilize senior citizens some with pass professional or amateur experience in the arts, and other with pent up dreams to unleash some of their creative talents and invited them to work with the children at the school This program has lots of purposes, one of them is to encourage children to practice their skills and test their talents that touch their lives. Another one is to help the youngest take out the frustration they have against the community or even on their own family, and put it to use but in a positive way such as drawing or even playing an instrument. This great program will help some youngsters whose frustrations might lead them to antisocial behavior may be attracted to
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