Fight Between Teenagers & Parents

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Fights between Teenagers and Parents Have you ever felt like packing your bags and running away from home? As a teenager, I have had fights with my parents, and probably will in the future. It is my teen nature. They will say the wrong thing and so will I. It is a process. And if you’re the first child, it’s not just a process for you, but also a new process for them. But what I have learned is that they do understand, even though most of the time we teens say they don’t. They do care, the only reason they fight with us is to protect us – we might not see it that way but I assure you it is. You will hit each other’s nerves, it is a given. You know each other so well it is bound to happen. You probably can’t stop all the fighting, but maybe by communicating more it will become less frequent. For example, storming to your room, slamming the door and then turning on the radio so loud the window vibrates – this aggravates the situation. And it is important to remember that we all have bad days and sometimes you just have to recognize that…your parent may just be in a bad mood. Try and give them some slack when you can. So when you have a fight with a parent, try to look at your part and see where you can compromise. Resolve it the best you can. I know that sometimes this is not easy… believe me, I know. But you know, like me, that your parents love you and that is why they get on our nerves – they can sometimes be over protective. Part of that frustration is because we don’t know all the stuff they do. And we just don’t want to hear it sometimes, so we just walk away. And sometimes they don’t want to hear us…so they walk away. When my mom and I do sit down together, after we have calmed down, we always come to some kind of agreement. I love my parents and they love me, but both parties need to trust each other – trust and communication is important. Although things
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