Field Visit to a Leather Company

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Field Visit To A Leather Company 1. What are the three core functions of the Business? • Lime fleshing and line splitting • Chrome tanning(18 hours process) • Dyeing fat liquoring and Drying 2. Give an overview of the Operations function elaborating inputs, transformation processes and the outputs taking one product as an example. Tanning : Tanning is the process that converts the protein of the raw hide or skin into a stable material which will not purely and is suitable for a wide variety of end applications. Inputs : Raw Hide, Chromium(tanning materials) Output : Tanned hides ( A blue colour) The product is commonly called “ Wet Blue “ Process : Once they finished pickling, the hides are loaded in a drum and immersed in a float containing the tanning liquor. ( Oils that use to get the softness of the leather) And while the drum slowly rotates about its axel, the tanning liquor slowly passes through the full substance of the hide, by cutting the cross section of a hide. Thus, this process fixes the chromium to the raw hide(Leather). 3. What are the relative indicators of competitiveness? • Quality leather with corrective patterns and surface. • Strength and the (Sq.feet/Kg) of a leather. • Lower of defects. Specially man made defects can be controlled. 4. What are the indicators of productivity? • Sq.feet/Kg • One batch of raw hides which containing 3 tons. 5. Using one of the product, draw a polar diagram to depict how the company maximize its operational objectives? Line Splitting Process cost dependability flexibility Speed Quality • Cost : In

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