Fiction And Reality: Fiction Vs. Reality

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Fiction versus Reality I am going to start off with the definitions of fiction and reality. Fiction is basically a lie; an imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented. (The free, 2010) Reality means “real”, the quality or state of being actual or true. (The free, 2010) As we all should know that fictional court hearings are more than likely not in an actual court house. These are basically sets that are set up to look like an actual courtroom. Although I don’t doubt that some of the movies or television series that has court scenes are actually filmed in an actual courthouse. But reality is reality and court hearings in reality are the real deal. The difference between fictional court process and reality is the reality of court hearings is long and probably boring. Fictional court…show more content…
Lastly keep in mind not to compare reality with fictional movies and television shows. Because when reality hits, you may not like the outcome. Citations 1. Asimow, M., & Bergman, P. (2010). Los Angeles County Bar Association. Retrieved October 22, 2010 from Reel Justice: The Courtroom Goes to the Movies: 2. Papke, D. R. (1999). Retrieved October 22, 2010 from CONVENTIONAL WISDOM: THE COURTROOM TRIAL IN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE: 3. (2010). Retrieved October 22, 2010 from Reality and Fiction: The True View: 4. Cook county court. (2006). Retrieved October 22, 2010 from the trial process: the participants:

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