Fiction Into Film - Anshuman S S Mohanty

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Novel into Film: A Study of Transformation with reference to Jane Eyre, A Passage to India, The Color Purple and The English Patient Anshuman S. S. Mohanty Statement of the problem: Novel into film is the transfer of a novel into a feature film. It is understood in modern western culture as a type of derivative work. Novels are frequently adapted for films. It is mainly an attempt to appeal to a commercial audience by the adaptation of successful novels into films. Obviously, the more successful the source novel is, the more likely it is to attract larger audience. Similar kinds of novels into films are taken together for the study. For instance, George Bluestone in his Novels into Film – The Metamorphosis of Fiction into Cinema deals with women centric novels like Wuthering Heights, Madame Bovary and Pride and Prejudice. And Brian McFarlane in his Novel into Film: An Introduction to the Theory of Adaptation shows the case study of individual novels based on the themes of pain and suffering. But I have made an attempt to study the art of transformation and its helpfulness to understand the characters with reference to four novels into films belonging to different areas and themes like Jane Eyre, A Passage to India, The Color Purple and The English Patient. Review of literature: Novel into film is a form of derivative work where the film-makers utilize a famous novel to attract larger number of audience. It deals with the recreation, adaptation, transformation and interpolation. Until 1924 novel into film was just a case of adaptation but after the release of Erich von Stroheim’s Greed a whole set of theory emerged. Soon after, the significance of adaptation policy was seriously felt which was later on reflected by the eminent critic of film adaptation

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