Feminist Perspective in the Lottery

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Pía Figueroa – Fernanda Morán 1) Jackson gives interesting names to a number of her characters. Can you explain the possible allusions or symbolism of some of these? a) Delacroix b) Graves c) Summers d) Bentham e) Hutchinson f) Warner g) Martin. In the story the author uses symbolism to illustrate the characters. The title itself is symbolic irony, because “the lottery” means good luck, but in this story means dead. Along with many other examples of symbolism, the three legged stool, the black box etc. The author uses the characters names to insinuate the true nature of the character and to foreshadow Tessie’s murder. Mrs. Delacroix for example is Latin for, of the cross, this invokes thoughts of sacrifice and dead. The Postmaster Graves means all things related to death. Mr. Summers represents the bountiful season of life, ironically it is summers who takes it. Bentham was an English philosopher who argued against slavery and the death penalty. Tessie Hutchinson calls upon Annie Hutchinson a woman who was a martyred for her beliefs, she also died tragically. Jackson uses Warner to illustrate that this person can anticpate how the things will hapend (warning). “Martin”, Bobby's surname, derives from a Middle English word signifying ape or monkey. References: * Helen E. Nebeker, (1974). 'The Lottery': Symbolic Tour de Force. American Literature. * Michael J. Cummings (2009). The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: A study guide. * Lori Voth (2005). Analysis of "The Lottery", a Short Story by Shirley Jackson. [ONLINE] Available at:
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