Femi Nazi Rant - "Unnatural Born Killers"

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Femi-Nazi Rant In the article “Unnatural Born Killer,” Katha Pollitt makes the argument that society doesn't take murder, violence and crimes against women seriously. She goes on to state that “we barely notice it” and are surprised or shocked when it happens. Pollitt theorizes that if there was more gun control there would be less gun violence. She also points out, correctly, that our mental health system is inadequate and, largely, underfunded. While she points out data and statistics to support her opinion, the factual information used to validate her ideas is flawed. Pollitt compels us to listen to her rant on the inadequacy of society by appealing to our sense of guilt but the information provided does not back up her opinions. In her article, Pollitt claims that society cares less about crimes against women than it does men. Some of her theories are statements that haven't been well established. For example, Pollitt says, “She was a woman killed by a man because she was a woman.” She never uses any facts to support this idea. In fact, Pollitt herself points out that the killer, Stephen Morgan, harassed men at some point too. He was also generally weird and hateful towards many other people including men. After killing Johanna he had plans to kill others, including “Jews” and more students at Wesleyan. She, herself, calls him “anti-Semite” so it seems unlikely that this statement can be supported. She makes a good point about the many opportunities raised to refer him to therapy throughout his life by encounters with others. However, who says that nobody had suggested therapy before? I am not sure pointing out to someone “you need therapy” would be all that effective. Not only because it might put someone on the offensive but because they may be insulted and offended. The simple fact is that you can't force someone into therapy. Also, when someone is

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