Female Sexuality In Dracula

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Response Paper #1 September 23, 2010 Female Sexuality Sexuality is often a word that when heard people often feel uncomfortable talking about, or believe it should just be kept to yourself. However, female sexuality has been a huge theme in history, women have battled discrimination, sexual tourcher, been labeled with derogatory names and have been seen as objects rather then people. In the novel Dracula, female sexuality is a major reoccurring theme. Taking place in Victorian England women were given two options set by societies firm expectations, she was either an innocent virgin or a marred mother, anyone who didn’t follow these guidelines was labeled a whore. In the novel we are presented with very different examples of female sexual expression and are brought with the idea of the “new woman”. Not only does the expression of female sexuality in the novel defy societies norms, it poses a threat to male dominance and temptation, and brings about the idea of the loss of female innocence. While reading the novel Dracula the issue and controversy over female sexual expression was the most prominent and common theme in my opinion. Not only were we introduced to Lucy and Mina, but the three vampire sisters in the beginning of the novel. In the beginning of the novel Lucy and Mina are seen as the epitome of a Victorian women, they represented innocence, purity and devotion to men. On the other hand the three sisters represented, promiscuity and the rebelliousness against society. The first time we are introduced to this idea of female sexuality is in chapter 3 when Harker has found himself in a situation with the three vampire sisters, and feels emotions and feelings he had never felt before. “I was afraid to raise my eyelids, but looked out and saw perfectly under the lashes. The girl went on her knees, and bent over me, simply gloating. There was a
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