Federal Prison Comparison

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Federal Prison Comparison CJA/234 Federal Prison Comparison The Federal prisons are somewhat different from the state prisons. State and federal prisoner populations vary from the jail inmate population in terms of conviction status, offense distribution, and average length of stay. The federal prisoner population is also unique from the state prisoner population, most notably in offense distribution. Like in the case of these eight distinct, yet similar, criminals, who were convicted and sentenced to a Federal Prison. There is Martha Stewart, Ivan Boesky, and Michael Millken who were found guilty for fraudulent activities. Martha Stewart was an American Business magnate, media personality, and magazine publisher. Her ventures focus on homemaking. Martha Stewart was under investigation for selling hundreds of shares of ImClone Systems just prior to the Food and Drug Administration’s refusal to approve the company’s new cancer drug. In June 2003, she was charged with securities fraud, obstruction of justice, conspiracy and making false statements to prosecutors and the FBI (Marks, A, 2004). Martha Stewart was found guilty for corporate malfeasance. She was sentenced for five months in prison and two years of probation. She was sent to the Alderson Federal Prison Camp in Virginia. It was the nation’s first women federal prison which opened in the 1920’s where “fallen women could reclaim dignity as well as learn skills” (Marks, A, 2004). If offers vocational training and GED classes. Although, it was overcrowded, understaffed, and short of funds. It followed the Punitive Model rather than the Rehabilitative Model. Ivan Boesky gained 200 million dollars using illegal inside information about impending mergers to trade stock. “I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself” quoted by Ivan Boesky. He was sentenced

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