Features Of Rococo Art

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Rococo style is a style of the 18th century French art and interior design. The movement portrayed the life of aristocrats, preferring themes of romance, mythology, fantasy, everyday life to historical or religious subject matter. The art was mainly characterized by pastel colors, gracefully delicate curving forms, fanciful figures, light hearted mood (visually and physically) asymmetrical balance, interior design and was highly domestic as it was dominated by female taste and influence; the lively colors and playful subject matter made it suitable for interior design. Five features or characteristics of Rococo art were; • Furniture and decorative objects • interior design • painting • sculpture • architecture French Rococo art was at home indoors. Metalwork, porcelain figures, frills and especially furniture rose to new pre-eminence as the French upper classes sought to outfit their homes in the now fashionable style. During the Rococo period, furniture was lighthearted, physically and visually. The idea of furniture had evolved to a symbol of status and took on a role in comfort and versatility. Furniture could be easily moved around for gatherings, and many specialized forms came to be such as the fauteuil chair, the voyeuse chair, and the berger en gondola. Changes in design of these chairs ranges from cushioned detached arms, lengthening of the cushioned back (also known as "hammerhead") and a loose seat cushion. Furniture was also freestanding, instead of being anchored by the wall, to accentuate the lighthearted atmosphere and versatility of each piece. Mahogany was widely used in furniture construction due to its strength. Also, the use of mirrors hung above mantels became ever more popular in light of the development of unblemished glass. The essence of rococo interior decoration is twofold;

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