Features of a Short Story

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A short story is a work of prose that has a number of characteristics that separate it from longer works of fiction such as novel. The shortness of the story results in one of the key features of a short story, which is the focus on a single character. Another feature of a short story is a theme that gives the story it’s meaning. Intensive use of detail is a key part of the short story as it promotes the understanding of the meaning. The single central character of the story is the person to whom all the major events of the story have some importance. This person’s feelings and reactions to these major events are what pull the reader into the story and make him or her care about the protagonist and the outcome of the story. The character has to seem like a living, feeling individual in order for the reader to have empathy or other strong feelings about them and to care about the outcome of the story. In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s story “The Yellow Wallpaper” we are introduced to the main character within the first few paragraphs and as the story moves forward we journey along with her struggle to overcome depression. We can empathize with her plight and feel her frustration, and yet we never come to know her name. The theme of a story is its controlling idea or the insight that is revealed. Without a theme the story lacks meaning and has no real purpose. The theme can be stated or implied and often provides an insight into human nature or the human condition. In Alice Munro’s “ Royal Beatings” we are shown how roles in a family dynamic are played out, with each player assuming a role that they play, even though knowing what the outcome will be. This theatrical, though very real, beating results in a kind of catharsis that brings everyone back to normal. And although not stated, it is clear this dynamic is played out time and time again. The detail in a

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