Fat Diet Essay

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The fad diet I chose to research was the Beverly Hills Diet. Judy Mazel first introduced the Beverly Hills Diet in 1981 and it considered one of the first fad diets (Iliades). Since its discovery, the diet has been critiqued and slightly altered. Judy Mazel’s book The Beverly Hills Diet became a best seller and sold almost one million copies. Judy Mazel had struggled with weight for most of her life and made it her goal to discover a seamless weight loss plan. The Beverly Hills Diet is a 6 week long program that has an emphasis on fruit intake and it is based on the theory that the body needs certain digestive enzymes found in specific foods in order to digest food properly (Iliades). She believed that if food is not digested properly it turns into body fat (Iliades). The theory also stresses the importance of combining the right foods together (for example protein and carbs cannot be eaten together). The diet proposes eating only fruit for the first 10 days, then adding carbohydrate and butter and on the 19th small amounts of protein are added (Iliades). An example of what a day would look like on the Beverly Hills Diet is as follows; for breakfast you would eat one type of fruit, and as much as you want of it. For lunch, you would eat simple carbohydrates such as an avocado sandwich with sprouts and finally for dinner you would eat rice and vegetables. It is recommended that the fruits and veggies are to be eaten raw. Many experts have concluded that this diet does not work. If a person loses weight it is because of the decreased caloric intake, not because of the combination of certain foods. They agree that this is an unrealistic diet that could only help for a short period of time. While there are some pros to this diet such as the diet being low in fats and calories, weight loss, and

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