Fast Food vs Home Food

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Home Food vs. Fast Food Home Food vs. Fast Food This generation has many people of all ages which are becoming more obese simply because they are eating more fast food than home food. Restaurants and many other fast food places have foods that contain high in fat, sugar, and salt. Having a healthy regular diet at home will keep you away from many health problems. Also having fast food only on special occasions is fine as well. We all need food to survive, but we should learn to make wise decisions in what we eat for the sake of our health. In today’s society people are making it into a habit of getting their hands on fast foods rather that home foods. Fast food can attract people more than a home cooked meal. This is a very bad habit to make because we are showing our children that it is alright to eat fast foods. For many young teens it is hard for them to say no to an attractive menu with such low cost. America’s children are known to be obese and it is not because of the fast food industry, but because the parents are those not teaching the importance of eating the right foods. For many people fast food can be the only way that they can go on with their busy lives because they are always busy, on the go, and do not have the time to prepare a home cooked meal. Many people can just go to a drive thru after a long day of work and be able to feed their whole family in no time. Little do they know that the fast food industry is considered unhealthy and can lead to many health problems in their future. There are those, like me, who grew up in the tradition of eating home foods. Home food is much healthier than going out to eat to a fast food restaurant. It is healthier because it contains way less calories, sugars, sodium, fats, and carbohydrates. Plus when cooking your foods you are able to use good quality ingredients. Eating at home gives you options of
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